BookTrust is inviting early years settings across the UK to celebrate Pyjamarama on 22 May, a day dedicated to reading for pleasure.
Thousands of children across the country – in preschools, nurseries, community groups and at home – will spend the day reading, enjoying, and sharing stories in the comfort of their pyjamas, raising vital funds to ensure every child has access to a story at bedtime.
Pyjamarama is easy and fun to organise: all you need to do is stay in your pyjamas on 22 May (or whichever day works for you) and ask children to bring in £1 to support BookTrust’s mission to get every child reading.
Everything you need to host your own Pyjamarama day is provided, including lots of free activity sheets, downloadable posters and video drawalongs and storytime sessions with beloved authors and illustrators such as Rob Biddulph, Ed Vere, Nick Sharratt, Liz Pichon, Rashmi Sirdeshpande and Waterstones Children’s Laureate, Frank Cottrell-Boyce.
Register now or find out more here.
Reading together brings both immediate and longer-term benefits to children experiencing vulnerability and their parents and carers. Research shows that reading and sharing stories supports bonding, stability, identity, wellbeing, social and emotional growth, and attainment. In many ways, reading can be seen as a protective factor against the adversity some children experience.
A child who reads is more likely to do better at school, be happier and more creative, experience better mental wellbeing, and have a greater chance of overcoming disadvantage caused by inequalities.
BookTrust is the UK’s largest children’s reading charity, supporting children to read from their earliest days. The charity focuses on children from low-income and vulnerable family backgrounds to make sure everyone can experience the lifelong benefits of reading.
Find out more about BookTrust here.
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